
Aug 22

Timmy Global Health with Asociación Pop Wuj, Guatemala by Hannah Levin, part 2

by tuftsigl

The second half of the work I did with Pop Wuj rapidly came to an end. After adjusting to the lifestyle and pace in Xela, Guatemala, with the occasional earthquake shock and parasite challenges, the days packed with morning clinic and afternoon classes flew by.

Aug 17

Chipping Away at Marble by Alyssa Rivas

by tuftsigl

The past month and a half I have been working as a photojournalist for the South African newspaper, Mail&Guardian – an internship I got through the IGL’s Program for Narrative and Documentary Practice and its director Gary Knight -- as well as pursuing personal photographic/videographic projects.

Aug 14

Tufts Timmy Global Health and Pop Wuj in Guatemala by Hannah Levin

by tuftsigl

A short description of Xela would tell you that this relatively large city in the western highlands of Guatemala, is settled between active volcanos and a number of indigenous towns and is known for its vibrant culture.

Aug 14

Exploring the Catalyst for Political Change in India by Douglas Berger and Jackson McGlinchey

by tuftsigl

We both took EPIIC this past year, which looked at “Order and Chaos” around the globe, with an emphasis second semester on the rise of populism. We became interested in understanding what this meant in India, and in looking what accounted for the rise of the BJP.

Aug 14

Lessons in Ideological Diversity: ALLIES Joint Research Project in Japan by Nicole Bardasz

by tuftsigl

When I applied to the Joint Research Project through ALLIES last fall, I didn’t quite know what I was getting into. Over the next few months, through planning meetings with fellow JRP-ers at Tufts and the Naval Academy, and with help from the IGL, our trip and research plans slowly crystallized into form.

Aug 10

Building Scholarships for Girls in China by Menghan Li

by tuftsigl

This summer I visited three counties from the Southwest part of Guizhou province, one of the poorest regions in China. My project is to find scholarships for the rural girls in these communities to complete their secondary education, as a means to boosting long-term development of the local community.