
Jun 21

Adelante Shoe II by Peter Sacco

by tuftsigl

My organizational vision for Adelante Shoe Co. is a US-Guatemalan team in which all are members are equal stakeholders in our social impact goals. The most interesting aspect of my work in Guatemala over the past month has been forging relationships with shoemakers around this vision without making premature promises.

Jun 21

Exploring the Ocean Cluster Model in Iceland by Jack Whitacre

by tuftsigl

Jack Whitacre is finishing credits to join the Fletcher School’s Class of 2016 and is an Empower fellow. He has been interning in Iceland this summer.

Jun 20

Humanitarian Technology Research in Lesvos, Greece by Ariel Barbieri-Aghib

by tuftsigl

This past week and half, Owen and I have been in Athens and Lesvos trying to get hold of various tech companies an

Jun 16

Adelante Shoe Co. by Peter Sacco

by tuftsigl

I’ve been here in Guatemala for just over two weeks now, working each day to develop the first Adelante Shoe Co. product line with a select group of craftsmen in Pastores. Each morning I catch a “chicken bus” into town — a tense 20 minutes of abrupt stops and high-speed swerves that leaves me dusty on Pastores’ main road.

Jun 16

African Entrepreneur Collective (AEC) in Kigali, Rwanda by Maggie Kellogg

by tuftsigl

As an intern this summer with the African Entrepreneur Collective (AEC) in Kigali, Rwanda, I’ve had the opportunity to see firsthand the challenges faced by businesses in the so-called ‘missing middle’.