
Aug 17

Getting Settled in Kigali, by Sarah Froehlke (MALD23)

by MH

The past few weeks have flown by! I am really enjoying my time in Kigali. In the last blog post, I left off on upcoming school visits. Between June 13 - 15th, I visited 4 schools and chatted with 6 students ranging in age from Primary to Secondary school.

Aug 16

Agriculture: The Roots of Empowerment, by Avi Belbase (A23)

by MH

In the community of Bolgaun, Bhimala works to ensure the livelihood of the crops and adequate maintenance of farming procedures over 7 communities.

Aug 15

Making Valuable Connections: Fletcher's Nani Detti's Summer Networking Experience

by VManve

Over the past couple of weeks, I had the opportunity to meet a few individuals who work with university students, and other young people in Ethiopia. Last week, I had an opportunity to meet with Dr.