Sep 26

Despite advances, racial tensions persist in contemporary South Africa By Ana Karen Manriquez Prado

by tuftsigl

Reflecting on my experience in South Africa this summer has been difficult to say the least. Given the past social and economic situations in the country, visiting South Africa was a unique experience.

Jul 29

The Gendered Impacts and Responses of Environmental Disasters by Jackie Faselt

by tuftsigl

The second half of my internship at the Consortium for Gender, Security, and Human Rights has been going very well. One of the highlights was a special presentation from Dr. Heidi Gengenbach on her extensive fieldwork in Mozambique on the intersections of gender, conflict, personal histories, and food security.

Jul 18

Civil-Mil Learning Experiences in South Africa by Ana Karen Manriquez Prado

by tuftsigl

As the only civilian on this civil-military trip, my experiences this last week have led to shifts in perspectives and an appreciation of a military lingo that I'm still struggling to understand. I’ve learned more about the army and navy academies in the last few days, than I have in my 20 years of life.

Jul 01

Research on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration by Jackie Faselt

by tuftsigl

My experience so far as an intern for the Consortium for Gender, Security, and Human Rights, based in University of Massachusetts in Boston, has been wonderful. One of the projects I have been working on is the syllabus collection on the consortium’s website.

May 02

FieldEx 2016: Uphill Battles

by tuftsigl

On April 8th-9th, Tufts students participated in a live simulation known as FieldEx, hosted by the civilian-military relations organization ALLIES. Organized by a committee of undergraduate students, FieldEx is always one of the highlights of the year for the group.

Nov 13

ALLIES Civil Military Relations Conference 2015

by winnonadesombre

The Alliance Linking Leaders in the Education and Services (ALLIES) held their second annual Civil Military Relations Conference (CMRC) on November 6th and 7th, 2015.

Nov 13

ALLIES - Veteran's Day Passing of the Flag Ceremony

by winnonadesombre

Every year, ALLIES attends the passing of the flag ceremony held by Tufts Advocates for ROTC. It involves the ceremony, conducted this year inside Ballou Hall due to construction on the Memorial Steps, and then a few speakers afterward to discuss the importance of the holiday to Tufts community.

Oct 20

ALLIES Hosts "A Child's Guide to War"

by tuftsigl

ALLIES recently hosted their first programming event of the year on Oct. 14, 2015. Susan Hackley, the director of the program of negotiations and Harvard Law School, came and talked about her upcoming documentary, "A Child's Guide to War", that looks at the effects twenty first century war has on American children.

Apr 22

Tufts ALLIES members at West Point

by tuftsigl

Some ALLIES students traveled this weekend to West Point for the annual Intellectual Roundtable Conference.

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