
Jul 22

Musings on Rats and Entrepreneurship by Bahar Ostadan

by tuftsigl

“This is a conversation, not a lecture.” The Canadian diplomat and Ashoka Fellow scanned the room of 20 year-old interns and pulled a chair into the circle.


Jul 22

Implementing a cloud-based tool to track drug rehabilitation services and patients in Chile by Gaspar Rodriguez

by tuftsigl

Corporación La Esperanza (CLE) has been offering free outpatient and residential drug rehabilitation services to underserved communities across Chile since 1995. They’ve gone from one clinic to seven throughout this time, allowing them to provide a much needed resource for over 500 men and women every year.

Jul 17

Urban Mobility in Quito by Ananda Paez

by tuftsigl

I initially became interested in urban mobility because I believe it is an extremely important, yet often neglected, factor in development. In a city like Quito, it is evident that in many cases, the ability to work one’s way out of poverty is highly correlated with the ease with which one can move.

Jul 15

From Idea to Reality: The Challenge/Fun of Starting a New Venture Abroad by Lauren Smith

by tuftsigl

Over the past year, I’ve been working on a business plan to start a kitchen incubator focused on supporting female entrepreneurs. Countless hours of research, Skype calls, and discussions with peers, mentors, and professors culminated in my decision to launch the pilot in Mexico City.

Jul 13

Bridges Academy by Abuzar Royesh

by tuftsigl

In 2010, I co-founded Bridges Academy, a literacy and leadership training program for at-risk youth in a camp for Internally Displaced People (IDP) in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Jul 12

Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Services by Alex Kiesling

by tuftsigl

This summer I have been given the opportunity to work with Dr. Steven Hong from Tufts University School of Medicine in collaboration with the Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS). Many resource-limited countries in sub-Saharan Africa such as Namibia have been severely impacted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Jul 03

Quito by Ananda Paez

by tuftsigl

June 2015 will be remembered as a historic month for Quito, and having the opportunity to learn about mobility in this particular context has been invaluable. Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is a city of about 1 million inhabitants nestled in a small valley surrounded by the Andes mountains.

Jun 24

Leaner Research for Social Businesses by Maya and Benji

by tuftsigl

Maya Ranganath and Benji Moncivaiz are two students in between their first and second year at the Fletcher School. This summer, they are based in Ecuador interning for the international jewellery business The Faire Collection. 

Jan 16

SolarRoute in Matagalpa

by tuftsigl
Morgan Babbs and James Downer are in the class of 2015.  They are Empower fellows.
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