Global Research

Jan 02

Greetings from Cairo

by tuftsigl

By Student Researcher Isabel Weiner, EPIIC 2014


Aug 01

Joy in the Midst of Trauma

by tuftsigl

Sabrina Ghaus is an International Relations major (A14) 


In the midst of trauma, poverty, and conflict aftermath, there is still a space for joy. Sometimes, I’ve realized, it just takes the right questions and a little love to discover.


Jul 10

Reflection on Gallipoli and First Week

by tuftsigl

Written by Joe Sax, member of ALLIES in the class of 2015

This post is part of a series of student reflections from ALLIES Joint Research Projects around the world

Jul 10

Musings after One Week In Gallipoli

by tuftsigl

Written by Roland Gillah, member of ALLIES and class of 2016 

This post is part of a series of student reflections from ALLIES Joint Research Projects around the world


Jul 03

Loving the Unloved City of Managua

by tuftsigl

Morgan Babbs will be a junior this upcoming semester, majoring in International Relations.

Where I come from, I get charged for plastic bags when I shop. Now I’m in a city that’s fair to say has been completely frozen for 31 years.

Jul 03

Tufts Timmy in Guatemala

by tuftsigl

Sonja Kytomaa will be a junior this coming fall, majoring in Biopsychology, and is a member of Tufts Timmy.


Jul 03

Chennai: The South Indian Experience

by tuftsigl

Juan Clar is currently a graduate student at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, working towards a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy.

Jul 03

Working to Give Female Farmers in Indonesia Access to Agricultural Information and Financial Services

by tuftsigl

Written by Student Researcher Leah Meadows, a graduate student at The Fletcher School in the Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy program.


Jun 24

BUILD: Nicaragua and AVODEC

by tuftsigl

Elayne Stecher is a senior (A14) majoring in International Relations and a member of BUILD: Nicaragua.


Jun 24

Kopernik's Work on Water Filtration in Indonesia

by tuftsigl

Natalia Vasquez is a recent graduate of Tufts University's School of Arts and Sciences, majored in International Relations

Update #3

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