Past Events

Date & Time November 7, 2018 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Braker 118
IGL General

21st Century Leadership: NEW Negotiations course info session

As leaders in the twenty-first century, how can we most effectively exercise influence in a global, multi-cultural environment?
Are we ‘born’ diplomats or can we learn andimprove our negotiation skills?  
Should we pummel our opponent (and “win”) or can we do well in a negotiation while preserving the relationship and laying the groundwork for future negotiations?

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Date & Time October 31, 2018 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Braker 118

Can France En Marche?

As America appears to retreat from world leadership, will France step up and assume the responsibilities? Come join the ALLIES weekly discussion about the current state of French foreign policy under President Emmanuel Macron. We will be considering French policy towards a the EU post-Brexit, postcolonial Africa, and a surging China – all within the context of Macron's declining popularity domestically. You don't need any prior knowledge of the topic to join and there will be some short readings there to get you acquainted with the discussion.

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Date & Time October 29, 2018 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Braker 001
Amnesty International

Panel on Gun Violence

Join Tufts Amnesty International and Tufts Democrats to discuss the impact of gun violence in America and the work of local NGOs and politicians to prevent gun violence. 

The panelists include: 

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