Archive 2017

Aug 29

Professional National (and Personal) Education by Eva Kahan

by tuftsigl

The National Defense University feels a bit detached from your average Washington, DC national security institution.

Aug 29

There Are No Cookie Cutter Solutions to Building Democracy: CANVAS in Belgrade by Zara Rancheva

by tuftsigl

It would not be an overstatement to say that, during my first month of work at CANVAS, I was perpetually awestruck.

Aug 29

Nancy Pelosi, New Citizens, and Free La Croix: A Day in the Life of a San Francisco Democrat Intern by Alison Bogy

by tuftsigl

An average day at the San Francisco Democratic Party:

10am: I arrive at the Oakland Paramount Theater, where the bi-monthly New Citizen Swearing in Ceremony is almost over. I greet my boss and the five other interns, before picking up a pen and a clipboard stacked with voter registration forms.