
Aug 31

ONDA by Lauren Smith

by tuftsigl

If an entrepreneur is not pragmatic, then she is likely to fail. My experience this summer conducting market research for my nascent company, ONDA, exemplified this adage. When I arrived in Mexico City at the end of May, I was armed with an idea and a plan to turn it into reality.

Aug 25

Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Services by Alex Kiesling pt. II

by tuftsigl

The second half of my internship in Namibia was more work-intensive, but still enjoyable. My coworker and I finished the tedious parts of the data cleaning process and I began validating and analyzing the data.

Aug 21

Let's make data systems more inclusive. - Gaspar Rodriguez

by tuftsigl

Data is not for donors.

Data is not for headquarters.

Data is not for evaluators.


Aug 14

Timmy Global Health in Guatemala by Raquel Perez and Nile Abularrage

by tuftsigl

As our time in Guatemala draws to a close, we have many thoughts running through our minds. There is nothing about Guatemala that we will not miss when we return to the United States.

Aug 11

Doña Elidia and Graphic Design pt. II by Juan David Nunez Hurtado

by tuftsigl

Doña Elidia is a local micro-business owner who runs a small restaurant. Our team is helping her develop her business by defining a clear way of operating and providing her with marketing materials.  So far, the work we have done feels like an entrepreneurial adventure.

Aug 05

World Bank Internship and Lecture from Professor Mohammad Yunus by Ananda Paez

by tuftsigl

Interning at the World Bank is a dynamic learning experience, in many ways enhanced by the almost daily talks and “Brown Bag Lunches” that take place. My favorite has been the talk by Professor Mohammad Yunus on July 24th.

Jul 31

Fostering Human Connections by Juan David Nunez Hurtado

by tuftsigl

Chapter 1: Microfinance in Ecuador

Swing at the end of the world, Baños, Ecuador.

Jul 30

Hope for a Nation Recovering from Civil War by Raquel and Nile

by tuftsigl

Aside from the beautiful volcanoes, vast rainforests, ancient Mayan sites, and delicious traditional plates, Guatemala still suffers many of the devastating effects of the 36-year long civil war that ended in 1996. There are many consequences resulting from the widespread human rights violations that took place during those years.

Jul 28

The Double-edged Sword of Artisan Goods by Benji Moncivaiz and Maya Ranganath

by tuftsigl

Otavalo, our home-base this summer, hosts a world-famous indigenous market. As we continue to work with a company that produces hand-made jewelry, we have begun to uncover the multi-faceted nature of artisan goods.

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