Archive 2016

Feb 11

James Cronin speaks to EPIIC Class

by tuftsigl

On Tuesday, February 9, 2016 the EPIIC Colloquium heard from professor James Cronin on "The Special Relationship" of Britain and America. 

Listen to a recording of the lecture here! 

Feb 05

Updates on my journey into the professionalism of the Ghana Armed Forces and peacekeeping

by tuftsigl

With generous funding from the Institute of Global Leadership, I was able to travel to Ghana to research the professionalism of the Ghana Armed Forces and international peace support operations—which is for my capstone thesis and a requirement for my graduation from the Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy program at The Fletcher School

Feb 05

My Parting Reflections of The Gambia by Whitney Ceesay

by tuftsigl

This visit to The Gambia taught me a lot about opening up to, and even expecting, constant adaptation of plans. I was unable to build the proof of concept food dehydrator that I was trying to build due to the complexity of logistics and the lack of internet to research materials for food safety.