Archive 2018

Jul 19

Working toward the Realization of Women’s Rights in Western Nepal by Caroline Hall Armstrong (F’19)

by tuftsigl

My host organization for this summer is a Nepali NGO, the Center for Agro-Ecology and Development (CAED), based in Kathmandu.

Jul 18

Journeys Don’t Always End Up the Way We Expect Them To by Carlos Irisarri (A’21)

by tuftsigl

There are very few events in the world that will land you in as many places as I found myself during the course of the Oslo Freedom Forum, especially in so little time.

Jul 18

The 10th Anniversary of the Oslo Freedom Forum by Carlos Irisarri (A’21)

by tuftsigl

As part of the Oslo Scholars program at the Institute for Global Leadership, I, along with another Tufts student, was given the opportunity to attend the Oslo Freedom Forum (OFF) in Norway.