Archive 2019

George and Monica’s KKL homes are the best current example of how KKL can transform a neighborhood.
Sep 18

What Do the Data Say? By Geoffrey Tam (F’20)

by cpinkerton

In addition to delving into the rich experience of our customers and beneficiaries, our surveys unearthed several trends. We interviewed three current structure owners and ten current tenants across our Kibera and Kawangware sites, representing 100 percent and 66 percent of our respective client bases.

Sep 18

A Peer Learning Community for International Affairs Colin Steele (F’3G)

by cpinkerton

When I started at Fletcher, in the fall of 2016, I had a pretty simple theory of change about graduate school: go to the right school, take the right classes (and do well), and get the right job afterward.

Sep 18

Community Day: Bringing the People Together in a Recovering Rust Belt City by Elliot Lam (A’21)

by Anonymous

Halfway through our month-long research in the post-industrial city of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, we found ourselves attending Sunday on the Square, a bustling festival hosted by local nonprofits showcasing local food and businesses.