Archive 2020

May 16

COVID-19 and the IGL

by tuftsigl

The campus is quiet. The IGL has not had its doors open in over a month, since March 16. In its 34-year history, this is unique for the Institute.

May 08

Event – Inquiry Simulation 2020

by tuftsigl

Inquiry held its 29th annual simulation this year, albeit in a very different format than it usually takes. The more than 200 high school students and 19 EPIIC students who were part of Inquiry spent the last few months preparing for the simulation, which focused on the Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh.

May 08

Tufts Asian Affairs Group (TAAG)

by tuftsigl

“We wanted to start our groups on campus because we saw a gap in undergraduate discourse about the South Asian subcontinent. We spent some time talking to our peers on campus and saw that there were so many people who would be interested in a club like this, so we were inspired to start it.