Archive 2020

Apr 14

The Digital Economy Youth Summit by Guillaume Pailhoux (A’21)

by cpinkerton

On Friday January 31st, the United Kingdom officially left the European Union after 47 years of membership. At the same time, a conference at the University of Cambridge brought together 70 students from across the globe to discuss the European Union and political issues facing our generation.

Apr 13

An Everchanging Crisis by Kristin MacDougall-Sullivan (F’2G)

by cpinkerton

My time in Lesvos came to an end in January, and my experience is difficult to put in writing.  First, I was not prepared for the changes in camp conditions from when I left in August.  Every inch of space both inside and surrounding Moria camp is used as some sort of shelter for newly arriving asylum seekers.  People often find commun

Apr 09

Return to Lesvos by Kristin MacDougall-Sullivan (F'2G)

by cpinkerton

After spending three months this summer working with Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid on the Greek Island of Lesvos, I returned over the winter to keep working with asylum seekers – albeit in a slightly different role.  This time, I was responsible for coordinating our legal clinic, where our clients and nonclients come for appointments, t