Archive 2023

Jul 12

Izzy Blog

by Kelly Vo
May 21, 2023
This is Izzy Martinez with Tufts Women in International Relations (WIIR). A little bit more
about me: I am a rising senior majoring in International Relations with a concentration in
Jul 12

Arjun Blog - May 18 to May 21

by Kelly Vo

Our stay in Sri Lanka began with lunch at the historic Tintagel hotel in Colombo, the former house of the first South Asian female Prime Minister, Sirimavo Bandaranaike. Our hotel was  located in the heart of the city, with strong British and Dutch influences.

Jul 12

Arnav Patra Blog

by Kelly Vo

This week, we have made great progress with our research trip in Sri Lanka. The four of us have found contacts and begun interviews with a number of Sri Lankan leaders in business, nonprofit, policy and government circles.