ALLIES recently hosted their first programming event of the year on Oct. 14, 2015. Susan Hackley, the director of the program of negotiations and Harvard Law School, came and talked about her upcoming documentary, "A Child's Guide to War", that looks at the effects twenty first century war has on American children. The event took place in Barnum 104 and included a lively discussion on the development of the documentary and the insights Mrs. Hackley obtained while filming and researching the effects of war on children. One of the prevalent topics of discussion included the effects of secondary-PTSD on children and the lack of awareness about these individuals and families. Mrs. Hackley showed us a trailer for the film and answered questions from the audience. Afterwords, Mrs. Hackley interviewed some Tufts students about their reactions to the film and how war has influenced them during their upbringing. ALLIES first programming event was a huge success, and those in the program hope to see future success with programming in the future.
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