Archive 2014

Visualizing Impact: Grameen in the Village

by tuftsigl
Visualizing Impact: Grameen in the Village Dec 31
Bahar Ostadan is interning this winter at the Yunus Centre in Dhaka, Bangladesh.  She is majoring in international relations and economics.
After a few too many sleep cycles interrupted by the inevitable “Welcome to Dhaka” stomach series, I was finally settled, ready for my first field visit.
Dec 05

Ellen Mickiewicz, Author of No Illusions, meets with EPIIC class

by samrock

Ellen Mickiewicz, the author of No Illusions, spoke to the EPIIC class about the state of governance in Russia and the role of young people in the current and future political climate.

Dec 03

Professor Gregory Carleton Lectures to EPIIC Class

by samrock

Gregory Carleton, Tufts Professor of Russian Languages and Literature, gave a talk yesterday in EPIIC about Russian conflicts and its status in Eurasia as a "bear." In preparation for the class, the students read Professor Carleton's book on the topic,  which is forthcoming.