Archive 2016

Aug 09

Advice About Interning on Capitol Hill by Thomas Lucic

by tuftsigl

I spent the summer interning for U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH). In my last blog post I talked a little bit about the internship itself. This time I thought I might offer some advice about hill internships.

Aug 05

Finding Hope During a Grim Summer: a Nonviolent Solution to Terrorism? by Shawn Patterson

by tuftsigl

Every week, the interns at the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) write a report that summarizes recent world news. Between a new outburst of global terror attacks and the draconian responses of governments, it has been a grim effort.

Aug 03

Health, Education, and Numbers by Emily Ng

by tuftsigl

Now in the second half of my internship with the Gates Foundation office in Beijing, I’ve been delving deeper into my work with the UN initiative Every Woman Every Child (EWEC).