Archive 2020

Jun 22

Graduate School I: Making the Decision of When and Where by Haitong Du (A’22)

by tuftsigl

Almost one in every five Tufts students attends a graduate school as a part of their post-graduation plans. On June 6th, the Tufts Institute for Global Leadership held a webinar on “Making the Decision of When and Where” featuring four alumnae sharing what they see as the value of going, or not going, to grad schools.

Jun 03

IGL Resources on Racism, Racial Justice and Equity

by tuftsigl

The IGL has compiled some resources to help understand Racism, Racial Justice and Equity.

May 17

IGL Graduating Students

by tuftsigl

This year, the university is unable to hold graduation ceremonies on its campuses. While the graduate schools will have virtual graduations, the undergraduate Class of 2020 opted for an in-person graduation once large gatherings are permitted again.