
Sep 16

Internship Updates by Zachary Burpee (A24)

by MH

This summer I have the privilege to work with Daniel Stoian, a career Foreign Service Officer, Deputy Secretary of State, and current fellow with the Negotiation Task Force at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard.

Sep 15

Making a Difference in DC, by Amelia Miller (A23)

by MH

This summer I had the opportunity to intern with Lawyers Without Borders (LWOB), an international nonprofit that works to advance the global rule of law and build capacity and integrity in the world’s justice sectors.

Sep 13

Reflections on Sarajevo, by Emma Jennings (A24)

by MH

A great thing about working for CANVAS, and the ability

Sep 01

Pacific ALLIES conducts research in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, by Simon Weiss (A24)

by MH

The Pacific ALLIES team traveled to the Republic of the Marshall Islands after their time in Honolulu to conduct a series of community risk assessments about climate change related droughts on the outer islands and to look at the human factors that influence implementing solutions to these issues.

Aug 31

The Blesser Breakers' Final Update from Zambia

by MH

Since our last blog post on June 30th, we made tremendous progress in our interactions with community members in Mongu and Limulunga Districts in Western