
From the Unknown to Home: A Journey of Research and Reflection in Bogotá, by Dzheveira Karimova

by Kelly Vo
From the Unknown to Home: A Journey of Research and Reflection in Bogotá, by Dzheveira Karimova Jul 12

Embarking on a research trip to Colombia was a dream come true. In the midst of the chaos of finals and moving out of my sophomore dorm, during any free time I could get, I found myself fantasizing about my first visit to Latin America. We were supposed to leave to the Logan Airport at 2:30AM. At around 11PM, my friend Billy and I were running last-minute packing errands, while also mentally preparing for the trip. Our excitement mixed with anxieties, but after a thorough discussion, we decided to eliminate any expectations and just open our minds to whatever is to come.

Jul 12

Miguel - Blog

by Kelly Vo

My research project is about how football can be used as a social development tool, peacebuilding, and unifying tool in marginalized communities in Colombia. This means that I am mostly focusing on NGOs that are working with these communities using soccer as a means for their goals of social transformation.

Jul 12

Ari - Blog

by Kelly Vo

On May 14th, the group representing LAC (Latin American Committee) left Boston to land in Colombia in the afternoon. The different research topics that my peers and I had, embarked us on a journey of 12 days through Bogotá and Medellin.

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